
Posts Tagged ‘DUI Lawyer’

Happy Memorial Day! + Drink Safely=Anti-DUI Campaigning

As the long weekend approaches all of us on this coming Memorial Holiday weekend, so do legal efforts to limit drunk driving around the Nation.  In places like Cotati County, California the “Avoid the 13 DUI Campaign” roles out this Friday.  This is a campaign that is a conglomerate of 13 law enforcement agencies throughout the county who join together for the cause of decrease the instances of DUI’s.  This is coordinated by the Petaluma Police Department.

Some of the ways that this crew of fab 13 are looking to crack down on drunk driving incidents is by instilling checkpoints in key locations, as well as having saturation patrols throughout the county.

According to the Petaluma Police Sargent Ken Savano, these such efforts over the last few years have proven success with a decrease of alcohol-related deaths & injuries statewide from 526-385.  That is a 26% decrease from 2007 to 2009.

I small group of individuals with a common cause or concern can go a long way, and the team of law enforcement behind the Avoid the 13 DUI campaign are patrolling proof.  This memorial day, you can make a simple difference by making smart decisions and encouraging the people around you.  Have fun, do your thing, but plan ahead and have other means of getting home safely if you are going to drink.  Happy Memorial day!